Shopping Paper Bag artwork : How to Prepare Ready-To-Print Files

How to Prepare Ready-To-Print Files
File Format 
We accept all popular storage media. 
The Copy Centers accepts a wide variety of industry-standard file formats such as .PDF, .DOC, .TIF, .JPG, .GIF and many more. 
For image files, the file must have a minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch) resolution. The images designed for the web are done at a low screen resolution of typically 72 dpi. Print images need to be created at 300 dpi or there may be a substantial drop in the print image quality. If your file is not 300 dpi, you can not simply increase the dpi from a low resolution to a higher one by increasing the DPI in your imaging program. 
What is Resolution?
Resolution also known as DPI (dots per inch) can be described as the number of dots that fit horizontally and vertically into a one-inch space. Generally, the more dots per inch, the more detail captured and the sharper the resulting image. 
Color Mode
All color artwork and/or images should be provided in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color mode. All black and white artwork and/or images should be provided in grayscale color mode.
Fonts should be embedded in .PDF files 
Fonts must be outlined or converted to paths or curves in .EPS files 
Some fonts have copyright restrictions and will not embed in .PDF files 
For QuarkExpress, fonts and images must be included with all files submitted. 
Safe Zone
All critical elements (text, images, logos, etc.) must be kept at least 0.25" (1/4") inside the edge. Anything left close to the edge may not print.
Please build your print-ready digital files by adding 0.125" (1/8") dimension for all files requiring bleeds. 
It is the portion of a printed document that will be trimmed off when cut to the final size.
Why Bleed?
The purpose of a bleed is to continue a color, image or design to the edge of printed document. 
Please allow 0.125" (1/8") cutting tolerance around your card. We recommend no borders due to shifting in the printing and cutting process. Borders may appear uneven. 
For questions regarding your print-ready file, please consult a professional graphic designer or contact us for assistance in the preparation and delivery of your print-ready files to us.